I started my career in 2008, fresh out of school. This was not a career I chose but one that chose me. It is a calling I gladly answered. I have many strong suits however writing a BIO for myself has never been one of those strengths.
I am part of DFIRLABS, that is a South African based Digital Forensics and Incident Response practise. This was a dream that myself and my mentor Jason Jordaan brought to life together.
I am an active researcher and member of the infosec community, and am a regular conference speaker. I have also spoken extensively internationally, including at the SANS DFIR Summit, and DEF CON. I am also a DEF CON Goon which speaks to my passion for involvement in the community.
I have recently started started a DEF CON group DC2751. My particular research interests include research into security vulnerabilities in medical devices forming part of the Internet of Things, and how these could be exploited by malicious attackers, as well as what types of forensic artefacts could be identified from any attacks. I am extremely passionate about protecting people whose lives depend on these medical devices, and my passion has seen me become a member of the security research group, I am the Cavalry where I have been asked to lead the work with regards to Medical Research.
At my core I am a forensicator and in love with every bit, byte and nibble of knowledge that I have obtained. I believe that I will never stop learning, and I face each challenge head on and I am testament that all challenges can be overcome with having the right attitude.
Never give in, never surrender and keep on going.