Behind the Incident 9 :Jason Jordaan
“In seeking the truth, I am both a scientist and a philosopher. The scientist part of me wants to know-how, while the philosopher part of me wants to know why.” Jason Jordaan
Jason is the Founder and Managing Director of DFIRLABS. He is also a SANS Certified Instructor. Jason is no stranger to me. In this episode, we discuss a very interesting case that he worked on as a member of the Special Investigating Unit. Jason is passionate about teaching and this can be seen in the effort he puts into teaching for SANS. Except for teaching he remains someone who constantly strives to better himself this can be seen in the certification he has obtained through SANS.
You can view his interview on Behind the Incident:
- GIAC Certified Forensic Examiner (GCFE)
- GIAC Certified Forensic Analyst (GCFA)
- GIAC Certified Incident Handler (GCIH)
- Certified Forensic Computer Examiner (CFCE)
- Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE)
Get to Know Jason Jordaan
- Company website:
- Interview with Jason on FraudCast:
- Interview with Jason by The TechGuy:
- SANS Webcast Series: