Behind The Incident

Behind The Incident – Episode 6 : Adam Harrison

Last year in Prague I met the coin slayer Adam Harrison. He was presenting his work on ExFAT forensics and the discrepancies on how forensic tools would parse these dates. Soon I started following his work and found him a comedian of sorts. In this episode, he shares some of his stories some funny. We talk about business email compromises and how he kitted his shed out to at least have internet connectivity. The priorities of always being on call. Adam and I had trouble with finding a window to talk in between the seemingly endless incidents. One day the rain subsided and we found the time to chat. You can follow his a blog at

Behind The Incident Adam Harrison


11th October 2019 at 5:57 pm

“a comedian of sorts”. Well I for one think he is hilarious.

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DEF CON Group DC2711 Event

7th October 2019