Why are we getting it so wrong in Healthcare and Medical Device Security?

Authors : Veronica Schmitt and Nina Alli We have observed the state of cyber-security in terms of healthcare and medical devices. We have been part of these industries as patients, dealing with digital forensics and incidents within these industries, as biohackers and researchers. We have seen the threat landscape and …

Medical device versus Healthcare device

Since becoming more active in the Biohacking and Healthcare Security field, I have noticed many terms used interchangeably (and incorrectly!) to describe devices within a Hospital or other Health Care settings. For example: all devices within healthcare and medical are seen as a medical device and they are all equal …

The story of a Patient

I am sitting here at a loss for words. There are simply too many thoughts going around in my head. Yes, most of them are nerves. You see tomorrow I will wake up, and head to hospital. Tomorrow, January the 14th I will have my old leads removed, and my …